The G-Spot – Fact or Fiction?

A study by Kings College London has concluded that the G-spot may not exist

A sexual quest that has, for many years, baffled millions of men and women may have been in vain. New research from Kings College London suggests that the infamous G-spot is mostly likely a figment of womens imagination influenced by magazines and sex therapists in the division between between popular science and biological or anatomical science

In the research, 1,804 British women, all identical or fraternal twins aged between 23 and 83 answered questionnaires. As identical twins share all their genes, and non identical twins share 50%, if one twin reported having a G-spot, it is far more likely that her sister would give the same answer. But no such pattern emerged, suggesting the G-spot is a matter of the woman’s subjective opinion. Previous reseach has suggested that a healthy lifestyle may increase the likilhood of the G-spot being revealed, however Tim Spector professor of genetic epidemiology, co-author of the research, says “while women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, it is virtually impossible to find real traits”. Nevertheless the quest for the G-spot will not be abandoned with The Journal of Sexual Medicine publishing a debate, with research from the pro and anti G-spot camps.

So while most women would also choose to have “whatever she’s having” and share Sally Albright’s experience at Katz’s Delicatessen, the G-spot may not be the way to achieve your aim.

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