Additional remedies based on plants and other natural ingredients certainly have their place in modern medicine—let’s not forget that medical breakthroughs such as painkilling morphine and aspirin, and the leukaemia treatment vinblastine, were derived from plant sources, as were many other pharmaceuticals.
So what are some of the most useful plant ingredients, and what can they be used to treat?
St. John’s Wort
(Hypericum perforatum L.) is a perennial plant native to Europe. The herb is primarily used in the treatment of mild to moderate depression as well as anxiety and neuralgic pain. It has what is known as a thymoleptic action, which results in an improved sense of well-being. It is contra-indicated for use in conjunction with some drugs, including warfarin.
Feverfew is a member of the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Its name is a corruption of the word ‘febrifuge’—a medicine used to allay fever. Feverfew leaves are used medicinally. They are rich in sesquiterpene lactones including parthenolide, as well as volatile oils and tannins. It is primarily used as a migraine prophylactic and in cases of arthritis, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and vasodilatory actions.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a perennial herb used as a flavouring from ancient times. The seed is used medicinally—it contains large amounts of volatile oils and flavonoids, and is mainly used in the treatment of mild, spasmodic digestive complaints such as flatulence and colic in children, and indigestion, bloating, upper respiratory catarrh and heartburn in adults. It is also diuretic and has been used in the treatment of urinary stones.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a common perennial herb the root of which contains volatile oils (including valerianic acid) and valepotriates. It has long been prescribed by herbalists as a treatment for insomnia. During the Second World War, shell-shock and ‘bombing neurosis’ were treated with valerian, which is often used in combination with St. John’s Wort to treat symptoms of anxiety.
Of course, before you use any natural health treatment you should check with your medical professional that it does not conflict with any medical treatment you could be taking. But used wisely, you may find that natural remedies based on plants may be the secret path to better health.
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