As a result of celebrity endorsement, detox diets have developed quite a following. The basic premise of a detox is to rid the body of harmful toxins that appear in processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. Detox supporters are celebrating the method’s ability to help people lose weight, reduce cellulite, regain vitality, improve digestion and generally feel healthier. However, there is a flip side to the detox revolution—we explore the pros and cons of this fascinating fad.
- The foundation of most detox diets is to supply the body with more nutrients and cut down on foods with excessive fat, sugar and salt.
- Adapting your diet for short periods of time can retrain your palate and stop junk food cravings.
- Many people report that detoxes have the potential to kick-start weight loss when paired with a healthy exercise routine—it isn’t clear whether these effects are long-term.
- Detoxes can be used to detect food intolerances by reintroducing individual elements to your diet, you can ascertain what your problem foods are.
- At present, there is not enough conclusive medical evidence to support the claims that detoxing can help you lose weight or improve digestion.
- Humans have a number of natural bodily functions in place that already flush out bad toxins. The liver detoxifies chemicals in the body while the kidneys remove waste and regulate the balance of electrolytes—detox diets may interfere with this.
. - Low-calorie detoxes can often cause a lack of energy. Depriving your body of essential sustenance means that you burn through calories quicker.
- It isn’t uncommon for detoxers to report feeling cranky or out of sorts in the midst of a cleanse cycle. This is caused by chemical imbalances, hunger and sudden changes in diet.
Avoid extreme detox diets; for instance, ones that involve drinking only liquids or cutting out food groups entirely. Intense fasting can pose a serious risk to your health.