Dr Philip Bazire, Medical Director of PronoKal UK, discusses the treatment of overweight and obesity and introduces the PronoKal PnK programme, a therapeutic option that offers the possibility of long-lasting results.
Overweight and obesity remain a real problem in the UK, affecting over two thirds of the adult population. We are often told this puts pressure on the NHS, but what about the individual?
How does excess weight affect health?
The changes caused by weight gain affect health in many ways. Physically, it can provoke joint pain and reduced mobility, and sleep issues such as sleep apnoea. It increases the risk of many diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and some cancers, and it reduces fertility in women and men. And there is a close link between mental health and obesity, exacerbated by the still prevalent stigma experienced by many individuals with weight issues. Studies also highlight difficulties in the workplace. This all has a very marked effect on well-being.
What options are there?
Fortunately, from a treatment point of view, we are getting away from the stigmatising idea that weight gain is due to a lack of willpower or discipline; rather, we think of it as a complex condition in which many factors alter appetite and energy balance, causing weight gain. This has led to a much more insightful and considerate approach to people living with overweight and obesity and has spurred the development of programmes that target the cause of weight gain by controlling appetite and preventing the hunger and cravings that can otherwise lead to failure. These programmes include specialist diets, medicines and surgery. But which one to choose?
There is no simple answer to that question and no one ideal treatment that works for everyone.
Leaving surgery to one side, as most of us would prefer a less invasive treatment, at least initially, dietary or pharmaceutical approaches have been shown both to be effective and to promote health. They must also help individuals regain control, freeing them from the need for life-long treatment.
How do we assess weight and weight loss?
BMI (body mass index) is a useful measure in some instances, but it tells us nothing about what is causing the excess weight or about health. Body composition analysis, which can now be done in the doctor’s clinic or even at home, measures the proportion of fat in the body fat and its location. By combining this with other tests of health and well-being, we can specifically treat the excess body fat, with methods designed to cause a loss of fat whilst preserving muscle, and identify and address weight-related issues.
The PronoKal PnK Programme: long-lasting weight loss results without drugs or surgery
The PronoKal PnK Programme is a unique, personalised, medically supervised programme using a convenient meal replacement diet plus lifestyle measures to produce effective weight loss and enhance health. The programme includes strategies to improve long-term results and, as it is based on foods rather than pills or injections, it naturally helps to restore a healthier relationship with food.
The programme has three phases:
- An initial phase of rapid weight loss using a very low calorie ketogenic diet with high-quality meal-replacement foods, prepackaged in individual portions, in a convenient plan that is easy to follow
- A dietary re-education phase building up to a healthy balanced diet adapted to individual tastes and requirements
- A maintenance phase with complementary long-term follow-up for up to two years to help maintain health and a stable weight
A doctor experienced in weight management conducts a medical review and assesses any weight-related health issues before the programme starts. Throughout the programme, regular contact with the PronoKal staff provides nutrition and lifestyle advice with intensive motivational support, and progress is monitored clinically and with body composition analysis.
In the initial phase, rapid weight loss at the expense of fat is achieved using a very low calorie ketogenic diet. Lean tissue (muscle) is protected by the high-quality protein in the meal replacement products and the performance of a specific exercise programme.
After weight loss, diet content and variety are gradually increased to reach a healthy balanced diet, individually adapted for long-term weight stability. In the maintenance phase, PronoKal is committed to providing complementary nutritional advice and motivational support for up to two years to help prevent weight regain.
Why PronoKal?
- Control of hunger and appetite
PronoKal’s ketogenic diet very significantly reduces appetite and hunger, making it easier to stick to the programme and favouring weight loss. Ketosis also induces a wonderful feeling of well-being.
- Rapid, quality weight loss with a straightforward plan
The PnK programme provides clear and easy-to-follow instructions, with regular mealtimes, fitting conveniently into your daily routine. The rate of weight loss (around 5-6 kg in the first month in women and 8-10 kg in men) means results are seen quickly, boosting motivation; studies have now shown that faster early weight loss leads to better long-term results. Quality weight loss means you are losing fat rather than muscle, which is particularly important for health and to prevent weight regain. This is backed up by clinical trials with PronoKal, which show much greater muscle preservation than after surgery or with the new injectable treatments.
- Improved metabolism
The use of a ketogenic diet helps the body restore the efficiency of its fat-burning systems. A greater ability to switch between using sugars or fat for energy (metabolic flexibility) means you won’t get so hungry if you don’t eat carbs for a few hours. The very low carbohydrate intake also helps to normalise insulin function; abnormal insulin function is a precursor to diabetes.
- Improved gut and gut microbial health
Soluble and insoluble fibre are present in the meal replacement products and in the selected vegetables. This fibre supports a healthy gut microbiome, which favours gut health. The diet also includes specific omega-3 supplementation, known to benefit gut health in addition to its many other actions in the body.
- Reduced inflammation
Obesity and a poor diet are both associated with chronic inflammation, which not only drives weight gain but is also considered to be the link between obesity and certain chronic diseases. Ketogenic diets have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is enhanced by the PronoKal omega-3 DHA supplementation.
- Long-term support to prevent weight regain
At PronoKal we are committed to your long-term success. Studies show that patients who maintain a stable weight for two years after losing weight have a much lower risk of weight regain. We therefore offer complementary support for up to two years after completing the programme.
- Recommended by the European Association for the Study of Obesity
The Obesity Management Task Force of the European Association for the Study of Obesity recommends PronoKal-type very low calorie ketogenic diets for the management of obesity.
In summary, the PronoKal PnK Method is so much more than a weight loss programme. It has been developed to achieve effective, quality weight loss and to improve diet- and weight-related health conditions. PronoKal’s long-term commitment will then give you the tools you need to put you back in control of your diet, your weight and your well-being.
To find out more about the PronoKal PnK Method, please book a call via our website www.pronokal.co.uk or call directly on 0207 183 2391.
See reviews of PronoKal and Dr Bazire’s services on Doctify and TopDoctors.
Inspiring success stories from our patients
Imogen (age 24 years) had struggled with weight all her life. Here is her story in her own words.
“What attracted me to the PronoKal programme was my mother’s recommendation of it, since she had great success when she did it years ago. When my doctor explained the PronoKal programme to me, the convenience and straightforwardness of its approach to weight loss appealed to me. In the past, I would overcomplicate and overwhelm myself with trying to figure out how to lose weight and end up giving up, feeling defeated. I’ve spent the vast majority of my life obese, so it was important to me to have something simple and effective to follow (like PronoKal) because I wanted to see consistent results.
Although starting such a big lifestyle change was daunting, the programme made me feel very supported (with weekly phone consultations and access to lots of information). I felt both physically and mentally healthy for the first time in a while. In the first 3 months, I lost 24.2kg (53 lbs) and to date I’ve lost 74kg (163 lbs). I have gained control over my life again and want to use my experience to help others feel motivated and understood.”
John (age 63 years) had lived most of his adult life on fast-food meals and snacks, with little physical activity due to a sedentary job. He shows us that age is no barrier to effective treatment.
“I used the PronoKal programme for 3 months, ending in May 2024. I reduced my weight from 116 kg to 87 kg and my body fat reduced from 36% to 25%. Thanks to PronoKal’s recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes, I have been weight-stable since then – 8 months and counting. Of course, while PronoKal is very good, you also need guidance, and Dr Bazire achieved a gold standard in this area.”
Find out more and book a call on www.pronokal.co.uk
Or call us direct on 0207 183 2391