A healthy, balanced diet is one of Dr Hilary’s key priorities for a longer, healthier life. However, obesity rates in Britain are on the rise and the country was even labeled ‘the fat man of Europe’ by a 2013 study (NHS UK, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges) that put us at the top of the Europe’s obesity charts. Rising obesity levels have been attributed to the modern lifestyle, with much of the population in sedentary desk-bound jobs and loading up on processed, calorie-laden foods at every mealtime.
If you’re overweight, achieving your weight-loss goal can seem like a gruelling hike up a steep mountain. However, your weight loss journey begins with the first small step, and that is a journey that can begin right here, right now. According to Dr Hilary, the key to success lies in making realistic changes to your diet and level of physical activity so that these changes can be easily integrated into your regular daily routine.
Here are a few of Dr Hilary’s weight loss tips to get you started:
1. Do your research into the diet that will work for you. The NHS recommends a variety of popular diet plans and their website provides information on the pros and cons of each one. http://www.nhs.uk
2. Check your BMI (body mass index) on the NHS’s healthy weight calculator. If you need to lose weight for health reasons, this will give you a calorie range to stick to each day.
3. Commit yourself to the lifestyle changes you are making. Extreme fad diets that promise rapid weight loss are unlikely to be sustainable in your day-to-day life. You will be better off choosing a plan (see below) that you can stick to in the long-term.
4. Why wait until tomorrow to start making your healthy changes? You can start eating healthily today by taking the next snack you were planning on eating and exchanging it for a healthy alternative. You should aim to do this every day. By substituting your chocolate biscuits for a piece of fruit or a slice of malt loaf, you have already adopted your first weight loss habit.
5. Switch calorie-loaded beverages for drinks that are lower in fat and sugar. Carbonated water with a slice of lemon is the perfect alternative to a glass of lemonade.
6. Find a way to fit one extra walk into your day. It is often easy to fit a short walk into your everyday routine, and fast walking is a good way of burning calories.
Plan Ahead
When you are trying to lose weight, planning ahead is key. Eating a healthy, balanced diet often starts with eating healthy meals at home, so try to plan a healthy weekly shop around what meals you will be cooking. Here are a few ideas for healthy new recipes for you to try out…
Banana and Oats Smoothie
Blend one banana with two tablespoons of oats and 100ml of semi-skimmed milk, until smooth. Use almond or soya milk if you are trying to cut down on dairy.
Avocado Toast
Start your day with a healthy dose of greens by mashing an avocado and serving on wholegrain bread. Top with a hard-boiled egg if you’re extra hungry or a shake of hot sauce if you like a kick of heat.
Porridge with a Twist
Porridge is a hearty breakfast that will leave you feeling full for hours, minimising the chance of mid-morning snacks. For a tropical twist, make your porridge with coconut milk (not coconut cream) and add a few berries or a banana for extra flavour.
Mexican Mania
Beans are a good source of protein if you’re cutting down on meat, so try making this delicious avocado and bean wrap for your lunch. Fill your wholemeal wrap with mashed avocado, homemade tomato salsa and black beans. Add some freshly chopped chilli for an extra kick!
One-Minute Omelette
Combine a beaten egg, a handful of fresh spinach leaves and some lean chopped ham. Microwave on full power until the egg has set.
Chickpea and Sweet Potato Salad
Chop a sweet potato, drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, add a can of chickpeas to the baking tray and sprinkle with paprika. Bake for a further 30 minutes and then serve on a bed of green leaves.
Time for Tomatoes
Pasta is a quick and easy dish to whip up when you get home from work. To pack in your vegetables make your own fresh tomato sauce to serve with wholegrain pasta. A sprinkling of fresh basil will add extra flavour.
A Protein-Packed Treat
Squeeze a drizzle of lemon juice on a tuna steak and serve with a rainbow of roasted peppers for a Mediterranean-style feast.
Vegetable Curry
If you are trying to cut down on meat, satisfy your hunger with a hearty vegetable curry. Add butternut squash, sweet potatoes and chickpeas to give your curry the bulk it needs. Tofu is also a great alternative to meat in curries, as it absorbs the zesty flavours of the sauce it is cooked in.
Diets in Focus: The Alkaline Diet
Reportedly followed by Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston, the Alkaline Diet is based on the principle that diets that are high in acid-producing foods lead to weight gain. The plan recommends cutting back on acid-producing foods including meat, wheat, refined sugar, dairy, caffeine and alcohol, in favour of ‘alkaline foods’ which reduce the body’s acidity levels, which means you will be loading up on plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes.
According to the NHS, this diet is based on sound healthy eating principles that include cutting down on unhealthy, processed foods in favour of fresh fruit and veg, which will ultimately reduce your calorie intake. However, when cutting down on dairy products you need to find other calcium substitutes, as cutting out a whole food group entirely is not a good idea.
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