8. SUPERGIRL (1984)
Another Superman-based disaster, Supergirl wasted the talents of the heavenly Helen Slater in a plot where Superman’s cousin spends most of her time mooning over a hunky gardener, and ends up fighting a witch (Faye Dunaway) in a magic castle. It was every bit as bad as it sounds, yet oddly, formed the template for the next stinker…

7. CATWOMAN (2004)
Every bit as bad as Supergirl and for much the same reasons, Catwoman turns Batman’s larcenous frenemy into Patience Phillips, a meek designer who discovers a conspiracy within the cosmetics company she works for that involves a dangerous product that could cause widespread health problems. After being discovered and murdered by the conspirators, she is revived by Egyptian cats that grant her superhuman cat-like abilities, allowing her to become the crime-fighting superheroine Catwoman, while also romancing a detective who pursues her. The film received seven Golden Raspberry Award nominations and won in the categories of Worst Picture, Worst Actress, Worst Director and Worst Screenplay; the film was panned by critics and many considered it to be one of the worst films of all time, with criticism directed at the performances, direction, CGI, editing, costume design, pacing, plot, dialogue and unfaithfulness to the source material, which includes the lack of connection to Batman.