6. ELEKTRA (2005)
Jennifer Garner (Alias) was largely wasted in the role of the vengeful assassin, part of the Daredevil universe (and there was another stinker of a superhero movie). Humourless and underwritten, the movie prompted Claudia Puig of USA Today to write “Her (Garner’s) grace and mystical abilities make for a lonely burden, and we are supposed to feel her pain. Instead, we feel our own for having to sit through this silly movie.”

They should have know better than to try to turn the cynical, wise-cracking duck Howard from a comic character into a live action superhero – perhaps it would have worked better as an animation, as originally planned. Whatever, with George Lucas as executive producer and a midget in a duck suit playing Howard, this effort, the first attempt at a theatrical adaptation of a Marvel Comics character for 21 years, crashed and burned, criticised for its lame humour, performances, inconsistent tone, and the appearance of the title character. Oddly, it did make its money back – about US$38 million compared to its US$30–37 million budget – and has become a bit of a bad movie classic – so does it deserve its place in this list of the top 10 worst superhero movies?.