Pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks and is medically divided into three stages known as trimesters.
Trimester one
From conception to week 13, expectant mothers may experience nausea—more casually known as ‘morning sickness’—fatigue and heightened sensitivity to smell and taste. By the end of the first trimester, you should be out of the ‘danger zone’, which means you are significantly less likely to miscarry.
Trimester two
Nausea should ease-off in the second trimester, —weeks 14 to 27, —and your bump will begin to take shape. During this stage, you will begin having antenatal appointments with your midwife to monitor the health of both you and baby. By week 20, you should begin to feel baby flutter and move around.
Trimester three
During weeks 28-40 baby rapidly grows; their lungs mature and they are able to respond to sound. Mothers may experience Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as ‘false labour’, that can feel like the onset of labour. Nurses urge women not to induce pregnancy before 40 weeks. Babies born before 40 weeks are more at risk of issues such as respiratory problems, jaundice, low blood sugar and hearing problems.
Find out more about your pregnancy needs with our handy guides on Conceiving and Tracking Your Fertility