What is Bio-Scan Technology?

Learn about bio-scan technology with this helpful Q&A.

What is a non-invasive bio-scan?

Imagine if your body could speak; what would it tell you? A bio-scan is exactly that: a safe, non-intrusive conversation with your body to find out exactly what is going on inside you—but from your body’s perspective. It is a bio-survey of your body via your hand, which provides instant insights into the state of your organs and overall health.

You’ve probably filled out a survey before. A bio-survey is essentially the same thing, only you don’t answer the ‘questions’ consciously—your body answers them directly. It’s a bit like a lie detector.

What will the scan tell me?

A bio-survey can be as varied and versatile as any other survey. Some bio-surveys are general in nature focussing on overall wellness, while others can include virtual items relating to specific areas of the body or body systems. Utilising the latest high-tech innovations in medicine, bio-informatics and world-class electrical engineering, the bio-scan can help you identify under-performing body systems and organs, giving you the opportunity to help and support them before symptoms of disease appear or progress. It can quickly help you identify root problems, rule out guesswork and help inform better decisions regarding your specific health.   

When and why should I consider getting one?

Most diseases are preventable if only we are able to identify the early signs and put the relevant measures in place before they develop. A bio-scan is an excellent way to establish exactly where your body is today, make any necessary improvements and ensure your body is as good as it can be—on the inside and the out.

You will also save time, energy and money by identifying your most at risk body systems and organs early, before symptoms of disease become visible. This will provide an invaluable opportunity to implement healthcare measures to correct any abnormalities, enhance your health and prevent unnecessary time off work or away from loved ones.

How can this scan be used to help people lose weight?

Weight loss can be greatly enhanced by simply identifying the underlying reasons why the body is not metabolising or indeed holding on to fat.

This could be due to a number of reasons that the bio-scan will reveal and enable you to correct without months of calorie counting or even setting a foot in the gym. Things like blood sugar imbalances, liver function, thyroid secretion, hormone imbalances, lipid metabolism and hydration levels are just a few of the many factors that could significantly improve or impede weight loss efforts. We can also do a food scan to highlight specific foods that may be causing digestive problems.

How can lifestyle impact our internal organs?

Every aspect of our lifestyle can positively or negatively affect our organs. From the moment we get up in the morning until when we return to bed at night. Every choice, emotion, thought, decision and action impacts the way our organs respond or function on a day-to-day basis. According to the UK’s Medical Research Council, poor lifestyle choices and an inadequate diet are major causal factors in the development of many chronic diseases.

Even the amount of sleep we get, the food we eat, emotional stress and the amount of water we drink each day have a significant impact on our organ health. 

How can diet affect how our internal organs work?

They say we are what we eat and indeed our state of health is often the sum total of our lifestyle and dietary choices over the years. Diet is the greatest factor in lifestyle and has a direct and profound impact on how our organs work. Poor diet and its associated consequences such as obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes are all common indicators of the impact of diet on our health and organ function. If we follow a diet high in sugar, fat, salt, alcohol and tobacco with little exercise we can expect to develop deposits building up in our lungs or arteries. This can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart failure and/or cancer.

What areas of my health will be highlighted in the scan?

The bio-scan and health consultation can help you learn more about your current health status than you ever thought possible. It can flag unseen, potentially life-threatening conditions within your body well before symptoms appear.  Over 41 detailed reports on all major organs and body systems can be generated including: gastrointestinal, liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, lung, kidney, large intestine, vitamin and amino acid profile, minerals, allergies, brain and memory, skin, eye function, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, blood lipids, blood sugar, bone disease, immune system health and much, much more.

What sort of health problems can this information help to combat?

All health conditions can benefit from having a deeper insight from the body’s own perspective. With Type 2 diabetes, for example, the focus may be on keeping blood sugar levels down. But the body may reveal that a sluggish liver is slowing down metabolism, resulting in undigested carbohydrates raising blood sugar levels. Together with a deficiency in B vitamins (crucial for metabolism) this information could lead to support being provided for the underlying problem as opposed to treating the symptoms of it. You will be amazed at how much the body can reveal about itself—once it is asked.  

Can I lose weight following this scan?

The scan will highlight issues that may be preventing the body from losing weight. The food scan can flag up specific foods that the body may be finding difficult to break down due to a lack of specific enzymes. These foods may innocently end up being stored as fat. Continued ingestion could, unbeknown to the host, be silently hampering any weight loss initiatives. The scan itself may not cause weight loss but the critical information gleaned can enable a more targeted approach and turbo charge subsequent weight loss efforts.

How will the information from the scan help me to lose weight?

The bio-scan and consultation is an excellent system of bio-analysis that provides instant health insights into the entire body, with a 95 percent accuracy level.

The cutting-edge technology allows you to pinpoint underlying factors that could contribute towards abnormal weight gain, skin, hair, nails, bones, vision, immune system, fertility and ill-health problems in general.

Our trained specialists or qualified nutritional consultants will provide advice and guidance on how to achieve weight-loss and address issues using natural means. Weight-loss happens very easily almost as a side effect of following a tailored lifestyle change and detox programme, scripted and informed by the bio-scan report.

At Go Juice Detox our vision to promote freedom through wellbeing is supported by our mission to create one million health ambassadors, who have gained control of their health through detox and lifestyle change. Our safe, reliable and non-invasive technology empowers you with key health insights, to help guide and inform preventive steps to keep your health in your hands. For a Free 10-minute telephone consultation call 0207 175 0052 www.gojuicedetox.com.

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