We talk to the experts from Satipharm about where CBD comes from, and what health benefits it could offer
• What is CBD and where does it come from?
CBD is short for cannabidiol and is one of at least 113 different cannabinoids that can be found in the hemp (cannabis sativa) plant. It’s totally safe to use and many CBD products have recently been approved by the FSA (Food Standards Agency) for sale in the UK.
• What are the health benefits of CBD?
CBD does not yet have any EU approved health claims so manufacturers cannot make any health claims relating to CBD. However there is a huge population of people using CBD for stress & anxiety, inflammation, symptoms of the menopause or to help them sleep better.
• Who is CBD suitable and not suitable for?
Millions of people around the world take CBD daily for the benefits noted above. CBD is very safe and whilst there is no information showing CBD is harmful to babies, at this time (as with many food supplements) CBD is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.
• How does CBD differ from THC or cannabis?
CBD and THC are both cannabinoids which come from the cannabis plant. THC has a euphoric psychoactive effect – causing the ‘high’ often associated with cannabis. CBD does not have any euphoric effects, is safe to use and will not impair your daily routine.
• How is CBD prepared for consumption?
CBD is extracted from the plant material (leaving the remnants of the stalk, stems, flowers and leaves behind), cleaned and purified into a thick oily CBD extract. This is then used to make finished products. The extract is often diluted with a carrier oil such as hemp or MCT oil and sold as ‘CBD oil’, but its raw nature can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Modern technology now enables companies to use this extract in more advanced formulations, such as highly bioavailable capsules, which means more CBD reaches the body, consistent dosing and no aftertaste.
• What is the difference between different types of CBD products such as oils and capsules?
Taking an Advanced CBD capsule means that much more of the CBD reaches the body to have an effect, plus you receive the same dose of CBD every time. Taking a CBD oil is not as effective or accurate a way to take CBD because most of the CBD is wasted through initial metabolism before reaching the body. To minimise this loss, CBD oil should be held under your tongue for 1 to 2 minutes to permit some CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. A large amount will still be swallowed though, and only a small amount of the swallowed CBD oil will reach the body.
You should always check to see if the CBD product you take has clinical trials to prove their effectiveness and support any claims they make.
• How can I make sure that the CBD products I buy are high quality?
Only buy CBD products which are marked with a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) stamp of approval. This means that they are produced under rigorous and consistently high quality international manufacturing standards. Also look to purchase CBD products from reputable sources such as high street pharmacy chains or independent pharmacies and leading health stores. These retailers will have already done many of the background checks regarding quality and safety.
• Can CBD have any negative side-effects?
The UK Food Safety Agency has set a limit of 70mg CBD per day. CBD has an excellent safety profile and under this limit you are very unlikely to experience any side effects. If you do experience any unwanted effects, simply stop taking the CBD product for a few days to assess whether there is some other illness or environmental factor causing the symptoms. If symptoms persist, please check with your medical practitioner.
• What’s the story behind Satipharm?
Satipharm is a health and wellbeing company which is specialised in the development and manufacture of CBD products. Their products are made to pharmaceutical standards and their manufacturing processes are in line with international standards of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to ensure Satipharm only provide products of exceptional, consistent quality, which are safe to use.
It has been clinically proven that using Satipharm’s Advanced CBD capsules is up to 3.5 times more effective than taking a bottled CBD oil. Their co-formulated products contain plant extracts plus vitamins which are targeted to support your specific needs.
• Where can I find out more about Satipharm?
To learn more about Satipharm CBD and our clinical trials go to www.satipharm.com