Why CBD Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All

Jo from Every Budy explains how CBD can help with pain management, stress relief and sleep – but it’s important to get the dosage right

What I’ve Learned from 60,000+ CBD Users

My name is Jo, and I suffered from horrific anxiety for the best part of a decade. After having a negative experience with ‘anti-anxiety’ medication, I helplessly but hopefully turned to CBD. After some trials, I started to feel my version of normal again—a feeling I thought had been lost forever. Seven years later, I have personally consulted with over 60,000 CBD enthusiasts. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way.

CBD Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All

When I started taking CBD, I just mirrored a friend’s usage, and nothing happened. I couldn’t believe it! How could it work for them and not for me?! I subsequently found it was due to our bodies all being wonderfully unique, and each of us responding slightly differently to CBD. Over the years, I have found that most (around 95%) of us will feel something from CBD at doses between 20mg and 50mg in a single dose.

If It’s Not Working, Change What You’re Doing

The majority of people who try CBD and don’t feel the benefits aren’t aware of dose testing. If someone is taking one spray a day of CBD over the course of a month and nothing happens, the result is unlikely to change. I would advise maintaining one spray a day for five days, then going to two sprays a day for a further five days—this is called dose testing. Without dose testing, you are very unlikely to find the level of CBD that’s right for you. I always recommend starting on a 20mg dose and building up from there. Once you find the amount of CBD that works for you, stick with it. You’re unlikely to gain more by taking more.

What Are the Biggest Reasons People Seek CBD?

Over the years, I’ve found that the following four areas make up around 90% of CBD usage:

  • Pain Management
  • Sleep Support
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Stress Reduction

The key to tackling these top four areas is understanding the differences in dosing requirements. Pain management is almost exclusively in the higher dosing bracket (50mg or higher). When we consider CBD for sleep, anxiety, or stress, they usually fall within the same dosing levels and are generally lower than 50mg. I found my own relief from anxiety with around 35mg of CBD.

There are other reasons people seek CBD, such as neurological conditions, degenerative diseases, and terminal illnesses. Despite CBD not being recognized as a medicine in the UK, I find the public is well-informed about its potential use cases based on anecdotal evidence.

CBD Oils, Gummies, or Topicals?

I have seen every delivery method of CBD you can imagine and have trialled most of them! There are some delivery methods you should favour over others, considering your desired benefit.

If you’re looking for better sleep with CBD or less anxiety throughout the day, you should take a CBD gummy or CBD oil. You’ll get a higher dose compared to a topical, and the body will absorb more, leading to a better effect.

I know a lot of people use vapes to aid with anxiety. The reality with vapes is that they deliver a very small amount of CBD (less than 1mg) in a single ‘puff,’ so the user will need to inhale a significant amount to feel any effect. This isn’t a method I would recommend, as I am not convinced about the quality standards surrounding CBD vapes.

I prefer CBD oil over all other options. It’s faster-acting, and I’ve always felt a little more in tune with how it’s working in my body. Anyone suffering from anxiety generally needs quick relief!

cbdMy Top Tips for CBD Success

1. Test different doses! You must trial different levels of CBD to find what’s right for you. You’ll feel like yourself quicker and save a lot of money!

2. Don’t compare yourself to others. My experience has taught me that age, size, etc., are irrelevant with CBD; focus on number one above.

3. If you’ve tried gummies and they didn’t work, try oil next time, or vice versa. Some people respond better to one delivery method over the other so it’s definitely worth trying 2 to see what’s right for you.

4. When choosing a brand, try to find one that a close friend has been using for a while. Then just make sure that the brand tests their products so you can see exactly what’s in there.

Hello and Welcome to Every Budy!

Following the transformative experiences Jo had in breaking free from debilitating anxiety thanks to CBD, he and his wife, Mel, decided to launch Every Budy. Every Budy is CBD brand on a mission to change people’s lives using nothing but nature. With unparalleled customer support from a family-run company, they have been fulfilling their mission for the last six years by ensuring people have access to high-quality CBD oil and CBD gummies. You can learn more about Every Budy here.

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