Women’s snacking secrets revealed

Embarrassed about the amount of food they eat, women have taken to snacking in secret

From the 11am ‘get-me-through-to-lunch’ biscuits to the 10pm bedtime snack, one in three women have admitted eating while no-one is watching and then lying about what they have consumed.

Worried about what people will think, the study found that 55 per cent didn’t want their friends to think that they eat too much while another 19 per cent don’t want to be judged by their unhealthy food choices.

Two thirds of those questioned said that they even kept their snacking a secret from their partners.

Dr. Cathy Kapica, adjunct professor of Nutrition at Tufts University, and a science advisor to the American Pistachio Growers, said, ‘The odd snack here and there isn’t a bad thing. In fact snacks can be an important part of a healthy eating style.’

By Lauren King

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