As we age, our hair ages with us. For many people, grey, thin and brittle hair is one of the first visible signs of ageing. If you hair has always been an important part of your identity, such changes can be a serious knock to your confidence. Luckily there are plenty of products and treatments available to keep hair healthy and combat signs of ageing.
Pattern baldness
Hair thinning in men can start as early as late 20s, affecting 50 percent of men by the time they reach 50 years old. Pattern baldness is most common in men because it is caused by hair follicles having too much of a particular male hormone, and is identified by thinning hair on the top of the head and a receding hairline. This type of baldness can also affect women, normally occurring after they have gone through the menopause and are producing fewer female hormones. Women who experience this usually do not get a receding hairline, just thinning hair.
Alopecia: Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a common type of alopecia often caused by stress, hormonal changes, certain medications (used to prevent blood clots and treat high blood pressure) and short and long-term illnesses. This type of hair loss causes thinning of hair across the entire scalp, and will normally begin to grow back after around six months.
If you are worried about hair loss, it’s best to speak to your GP. Although pattern baldness is considered a part of ageing, medications such as finasteride and minixidil can be used as treatment.
Individuals with significant hair loss often choose to wear a wig to give them more self-confidence. If you want a more permanent solution, there are treatments such as artificial hair implants or hair transplants available.
What Does a Hair Transplant Involve?
The hair transplant, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), involves removing healthy hair follicles from an area of the scalp where there is lots of hair (usually the back of the head) and implanting them into the areas where there is less hair.
Nourish Your Locks
A healthy head of hair not only looks great, but makes you feel great about yourself too. As we age, our hair becomes drier and more coarse, so it’s important to maintain a quality hair regime. If you haven’t got one, here are some top tips to keep your tresses looking young and beautiful:
Eat your vitamins
Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet—Iron and protein are essential to promote healthy hair. If you’re worried you don’t eat enough vitamin-enriched foods, you can take supplements that contain the nutrients your hair needs.
Wash your hair as little as possible
It may sound unhygienic, but the less you wash your hair, the better. Washing hair too often can remove the natural oils and dry your hair out. The thinner your hair, the more frequently you will have to wash it. To keep locks smooth and shiny, use a deep-conditioning treatment once a week, focusing on the length and ends of the hair rather than the roots to prevent hair getting greasy quickly.
Get your hair cut regularly
Ideally, you should get your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks to promote healthy growth. This will get rid of any damaged ends and stop them from splitting further up the hair, meaning you wont have to have as much cut off next time!
Don’t use too much heat
If you are used to using heat styling products like a hair dryer, straighteners or curling tongs, it may be hard for you to break the habit. However, cutting down on the amount of heat you use on your hair will significantly reduce damage and keep hair healthier for longer.
Wear your hair loose
If you have long hair, you may often tie it up to get it out of the way, but tying hair too tight can damage it and result in breakage. You can still wear your hair up, but instead of a tight, slicked back look, go for a loose ponytail.
See also: Living with Hair Loss
See also: A Guide to Gorgeous & Natural Hair